
Visitors & Newcomers

Welcome to St. Mary’s!
We know that venturing out to a new church for the first time can be a challenge. With this “newcomer’s and visitor’s guide” we have tried to identify and answer most of the questions that first time visitors might have. If this doesn’t answer all your questions, please call our church office at 352-567-3888. We are eager to welcome you and make your first visit with us a rewarding and comfortable one! Don’t worry, we don’t make you stand up and wave.

Where is St. Mary’s Episcopal Church?
Our church is located at 37637 Magnolia Avenue, Dade City Florida, 33523. For worship, please enter our main entrance located on Magnolia Avenue or the transept entrance on 11th Street. There is also an accessible entrance that is best reached from the handicapped parking lot off of 11th St.

For day to day church business, please enter the office located at 14311 11th Street. Our office is open Monday through Thursday 9 AM – 2:00 PM.

How long do services last?
Sunday Services vary in length from 45 minutes for the 7:45 a.m. service to an hour to an hour and 15 minutes at the 10:00 a.m. service, depending on whether there are special events during the service such as Baptisms or special music. Thursday Morning Breakfast Services and post-Bible Study service last about 30 minutes.

Where should I park?
We have plenty of off street parking off of both Magnolia and 11th Street in Parking lot (handicap spaces are available in this lot).

What should I wear to church?
There is a big range of dress at St. Mary's - suits to khakis and skirts! Generally, most people attend wearing "business" or “business casual” attire. We care about who you are on the inside, not what you are wearing. Feel free to wear whatever you feel most comfortable in for church.

Is there a Coffee Hour after church?
We offer coffee hour almost every Sunday after both the 7:45 a.m. and the 10:00 a.m. service in our parish hall (Freeman Hall). Please join us – we’d love to get to know you better!

How can I get more information or get added to the mailing list?
Please fill out the “Welcome” card located in the pews or speak to a volunteer exit greeter after the service. The Exit greeters would be happy to speak to you about any questions you may have and can take down your contact information. You may also complete the contact form on the home page and we will respond as soon as possible

Any other questions?
If we haven't answered all your questions here, please call the church office at 352-567-3888. Office hours are 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday (with an hour off for lunch) We are closed on Friday.